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FOOD AND NUTRITION: Balancing Foods and Lifestyle

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FOOD AND NUTRITION: Balancing Foods and Lifestyle

When God created man, He made good and enough provisions for his feeding. Food is good; it enhances the continuity of life in both plants and animals. Without food, there will be no growth or development. Thank God for food.

Yes, food is very important to stay healthy, but its abuse always has a prize attached to it, while some people go free, some have to pay dearly for it. In the same vein, eating good food has nothing to do with food restrictions “dieting” as most people will call it. All individuals from different places have varieties of foods, in many instances what is good for the goose may not be good for the gander as regards diets, you may not like the kind of foods another person likes and vice-versa but that doesn’t mean one is not feeding well. There are many food varieties with great nutritional values in the world. I come from a society where “dieting” is not in vogue except for those who want to become model, people make sure that they eat to their satisfaction, one thing they also consider sin is overfeeding, which they believe is “gluttony” and not acceptable.


In Africa, it is believed that once a young girl marries, she’s no longer a spinster (young girls are always slim and well structured) she must add up weight after marriage (increase in size) to bring out her beauty as a married woman. Her husband and his family are expected to feed her very well to bring out her shape and make her bigger, she will be respected for this and her husband will be respected more, they also believe that this will make clothes have more fitting on her as a beautiful woman well taken care of by her husband.


Everyone in the world has their nature in terms of been slim or on the bigger side and I must tell you, they both are always beautiful when properly managed, sometimes it is hereditary and by eating well or balanced nutrition, we can maintain healthy and beautiful body weight. Illnesses such as stress, anxiety, and depression could lead to the inability to feeding well or not eating healthy diets in some instances.

It is no more news that the greater percent of foods today are processed or packaged even when they are direct from the farm, majority of farm produces were grown with the infusion of growth hormones (to grow faster and bigger than the normal or natural), when we eat these foods, they, in turn, have great side effects so we need to be conscious on which one or how we consume them to reduce the negative impacts. 

Maintaining a good body weight has a whole lot to do with our feeding habits, there’s a particular weight required for everyone to look good, when that weight falls below or higher, it’s not good at all cause it has lots of bad consequences attached to it. So, therefore, eat the right food in the right combination and quantity at the right time.



–  Reduce the intake of fast-foods to the barest minimum.

–  Reduce the consumption of processed and not properly manage package foods always try to get them fresh.

–  Try to know the nutritional value of different varieties of foods, spices, and condiments.

–  Always read the content of your processed food and try to avoid foods processed with sugar to the barest minimum if not completely.

–  Water is life, drink good and enough water daily.

–  Very important note; form the habit of cooking, accustom yourself to it, and before you know it, you won’t fancy eating too many fast foods anymore even though it’s nice to go out to eat sometimes, it shouldn’t be habitual.

–  The kind of labor you engage in also determines the kind and weight of the food one eats, high labor or labor-intensive activities requires more energy-giving foods (calories) to maintain your physique.

–  Reduce salt, use spices and condiments instead.

–  Always eat the right foods in the right combinations at the right time, remember, dieting can only work for a limited time, after which you become miserable and even distorts one’s shape and beauty, can make one look older her age sometimes, so therefore as earlier said, eat well, eat the right foods in the right combination, right quantity and at the right time.

–  Balance your carbohydrate with enough proteins always is important. Reduce whole wheat and encourage whole-grain meals, also include vegetables always.

–  Eating the right carbohydrates and proteins can burn fat naturally instead of too much exercising which is not a permanent guarantee to the problem and when you cease to exercise your condition can get even worse than the beginning.



Minimize treated juice but the whole fruit itself, why because the fiber in the fruits has a whole lot of works to do, and instead of fruit or juice in the morning, drink water, don’t start your day with juice as this can cause an increment in sugar level, increase insulin leading to insulin imbalance and increase blood sugar levels not only fruits but processed foods (such as corn syrup, dextran, dextrose, and fruit juice concentrate).

Reduce intake of trans-fat to the barest minimum if not totally, as they can increase the risk of cardiovascular (heart) diseases and also weight gain. They also affect cholesterol in the body negatively, for example, go for real butter instead of margarine.

Remember eating well comes before exercise, you can maintain good body weight and posture by eating well, don’t be carried away by those exercises, when you stop, one may become even worst in as much as you don’t eat right.

A good rest is also required, allow room, for proper digestion before going to bed, don’t rush to bed immediately. Sleep has a whole lot to do in our body, it helps with a balanced mental ability to looking good (fresh and not looking tired or frustrated).

Avoid foods processed with hydrogenated oils, encourage eating well-cooked foods in good combinations. Go for plants natural fats giving foods (monosaturated) like peanuts, cashew nuts, pear (avocado), sesame (beni-seed) and so on and also, seafood like clams, fish rich in fat, all contain omega-3 and are known to be a good source of saturated fats.

NOTE: you can only live a good and successful life when you practice a positive lifestyle, when you care about yourself and self-esteem you will always want to do it right.



This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. This is jammed packed with lots of good information! Thank you- we are trying to do several of these. We are avoiding processed foods, eating mainly vegetarian and staying away from sugar. We feel so much better.

  2. Paige Butler

    Great info here. Thank you!

  3. Fantastic information here to get people started on the path to good nutrition. I’ve been eating many of these foods for years and can vouch for the healing power of whole foods!

  4. So much great information here! Never has it been easier to avoid fast-food and eat well!

  5. Oh yes this is well done, i am vegetarian (most times going fully plant based) and it makes me feel great

  6. So much good information here! Thanks for sharing.

  7. We gave up margarine a long time ago and only do real butter now, it is a lot of calories but it is worth it and it tastes better too.

  8. I couldn’t agree more with so many of your tips here. We cut almost all processed food from our diets almost 5 years ago and it has had such a positive impact on our health.

  9. Olufunke

    This is very important to remember right now. Especially when we are home and have not much to do than to want to eat most of the time and sleep. Thanks so much for the reminder.

  10. Extremely informative and so much value in this post. I loved the content. I understand how important it is to take care of food and nutrition habits. Thank you for sharing this piece of writing

  11. Love this post!! A Healthy lifestyle is very important for the soul!!!

  12. Audrey

    I didn’t know African women were expected to gain a little weight after getting pregnant. How interesting.

  13. Megan Beaver

    There’s a lot of great nutritional advice in this article. It’s been very helpful for mess in trying to fire out how to balance my diet.

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