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Fried Plantain and Egg Recipe

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Do you know home cooking reduces spending and increases your intake of a balanced diet? Research has it that people who eat homemade foods tend to be more healthier and have the ability to consume less sugar and processed foods. You may think homemade food takes a longer time to make, lots of recipes won’t take much of your time and still capable of providing you with all the nutrition desired.

This easy homemade recipe is just so awesome when you need breakfast, lunch or dinner that be can quickly put in place without spending much time and effort; so follow me to the kitchen and let’s get started.


Here is the ingredients’ shopping list, however, you may already have them in your pantry.


Ingredients: Fried Plantain and Egg

3 large plantains

5 large eggs

2 large tomatoes

1 bunch of spring onion

Vegetable oil

1/4 cup coil for egg frying

chicken flavor seasoning

a pinch of salt

crushed paper – quarter teaspoon


PREP and COOK TIME: 15 minutes


Start with Plantain:

Fill your deep fryer or frying pan vegetable and set it up to get ready for frying. The vegetable oil quantity depends on your fryer, the smaller the lesser quantity of frying oil need and if you are using a frying pan, oil as little as 1 cup would do the job perfectly.

Peel your plantain and slice. You can add 2 pinches of salts but it’s optional

Once the oil is hot enough to start frying, pour in the sliced plantain and let it fry for about 6 minutes.


Next is the Egg Frying Process.

Chop the spring onions

Slice the tomatoes

Break your egg into a bowl and whisk

Add ¼ cup of oil to the frying pan and set it on the stove.

Add the sliced tomatoes and chopped spring onion to it

Add ¼ teaspoon pepper to the frying, follow your preference for the pepper, I mean it depends on how tolerant you are to pepper.

Add ½ teaspoon seasoning and ¼ curry powder

Add a pinch of salt

Stir the frying pan mixture for about 2 minutes.

Then pour in your egg and turn gradually as it coagulates to form together.

Turn off your stove.

Now your fried plantain and egg are ready to be served.

You made it! Enjoy your meal and please come back again for more recipes.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Bree

    This looks super easy and yummy! I’m going to try this out soon!

  2. The recipe of Fried Plantain and Egg looks delicious and easy to cook.

  3. Is plantain the same as cassava?I hear a lot about plantain ins some nollywood movies

    1. No, plantain is not cassava, plantain is in the same family with banana i.e. the Musa species. Cassava is a root crop.

  4. I wish I could watch you on you tube so I cam follow you – how to make that delicacy

  5. Joanna

    This indeed is a very simple and easy to make recipe. I love fried plantains, they are so yummy.

  6. I’ve never tried plantain, I should give it a go as I like to eat vegetarian most of the time

  7. My best meal! It’s been long I had it but I have got some plantain and eggs in the house. I will be making this for lunch tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Lavern Moore

    I love fried plaintains. They are so yummy and delicious. Never seen them paired with eggs.

  9. Monidipa

    The recipe sounds really great and truly it is worth a try. And I will give it a try.

  10. This simple and nutritious deli here in my place. This supper easy to prepare.

  11. I love fried plantains and eggs, but I never thought to have them together. This looks delicious!

  12. I love plantains! This recipe sounds so interesting, with the egg. I will have to try it.

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