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 Baked chicken and Potato Recipe

To make this recipe is so simple, all you need do is get your ingredients and let’s get started with cooking dinner.


1 tsp Diced ginger
1 tsp Powdered cumin
½ tsp Cloves
3 tsp chicken flavor seasoning
1 tsp Parsley flakes
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp Oregano flakes
½ tsp Paprika
½ tsp Powdered garlic
Curry powder
Crushed pepper
Sliced onion
Jalapeno peppers
Cuts peppers
Vegetable oil
Salt to taste
4 large chicken thighs
3 large potatoes


Cooking time: 50 minutes

Servings: 4 people



*Remove excess fat from your chicken thighs making sure that they are nicely cleaned and set aside.

*Prepare your ingredients and get ready for the chicken sauce.

*Set the onion, jalapeno, and carrots aside and save them for later.

*Get a clean nice bowl and pour into it all your ingredient with the exception of the carrots jalapeno and carrots and mix generously.

Set up your baking pan and start applying the sauce to your chicken, you can use a cooking brush, however you can just pick on one chicken thigh and rub it into the sauce mixture and using your spoon to scoop some of the sauce on it just to make sure that it is uniformly distributed around the chicken. Place it onto your cooking pan and do the same for the rest. Once done, set your pan of chicken aside and let it marinate for about 15 minutes.


Now let’s move on to the potatoes proper

Before that, set up your oven’s cooking time, depending on the manufacturer of your oven, the standard is 350 degrees while for some, it’s maybe lesser or higher; I believe you do not have any problem in this regards because you are already familiar with your oven. So what I am saying basically is that you use your own discretion, you can also use a cooking thermometer to check when it’s done, the safest temperature is 165 degrees to 180 degrees.

*Now peel or thoroughly clean your potatoes, slice

*Add to your tray of chicken
*Add the sliced onion, jalapeno, and carrots.

*The oven should be ready by now
*Set into the oven and allow to cook
*Cooking time is 50 minutes depending on your oven, for mine, it was 350 degrees.

Try this, and you can’t go wrong about it because it’s really simple.

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. This looks very tasty and a great one sheet wonder for cooking in the oven. I love the flavor profile of all the spices.

  2. Looks delicious, will try your recipe tomorrow

  3. Looks delicious, will try your recipe tomorrow lunch!

  4. Rose Ann Sales

    Sounds delicious. Potatoes and chicken always taste great together.

  5. Sundeep

    This really looks so delicious. I love to try new recipes and this one is new to me. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Recipe looks easy and doable

  6. I am all over this, might have to change up my meal plan for dinner tonight!

  7. Wow this really looks so tasty! Thanks for sharing this with us, would love to try making this one sometime!

  8. im always looking for a great chicken recipe and this is def something my family would enjoy

  9. wow..i haven’t ever tried this recipe before but it really sounds much lovely and looks so delicious and tasty..LOved this..Thanks for sharing the recipe..will surely check this out….this seems to be very easy to make am sure will love this…

  10. Looks delicious! Thank you for sharing

  11. I love the combination of spices that this recipe has! I’ll have to try it!

  12. This looks like the perfect comfort food. And the cleanup looks super easy as well with the use of the foil!

  13. Celebrate Woman Today

    Simple recipe, but so full of aroma and flavor!

  14. Alexis

    This is a great dish for a quick weeknight meal.

  15. I’ve been looking for another chicken recipe where I can also add some potatoes and this looks like the one I’m looking for.

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