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I was wondering what our topic for today could be and kept wondering until this topic suddenly came into my heart, so I was lead to write on it and then came up with this piece.

Making sure our ways please GOD SO HE DOESN’T FORSAKE US

There was a meeting concerning Ahab, about who would go and cause him to go to battle against Ramothgilead so he can die there.

Ahab is a man that doesn’t have a good record in the Bible, his ways never pleased God and man, all other spirit brought their suggestions but no one was agreed upon until this particular spirit came out and stood before the LORD stating he would go and be a lying spirit in the mouth of the Prophets that would be prophesying to Ahab.

As we all know at that time, they make a consultation to see if it’s okay for them to go to battle or not.

This Spirit’s request was granted and sealed in the Heavenly throne and that concluded the mystery of how the journey of Ahab would end “1King 22:20-22.

1King 22: 23-28

The spirit of lying started working through the mouths of the prophets to work against Ahab. All these prophets keep prophesying that Ahab would surely go, win the battle and come back peacefully, however, there is one man- a prophet whom God shew this to know what is going on Micaiah, he prophesied against the words of the other prophets saying if the King goes to the battle, would not return. This caused a misunderstanding between Micaiah and all other prophets about four hundred of them. We even read that Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah smote Micaiah on the cheek saying which way went the spirit of God from him to speak to Micaiah, now the seniority is coming to play in the industry of ‘prophets’, not knowing God is at work.


Please read whole details starting from 1king 21 – 22.


Jehoshaphat went with him but came back from the battle

Ahab at the battle decided to disguise himself however the King of Ramothgilead already commanded that the battle is against Ahab the King.

Did you know they almost killed King Jehoshaphat thinking it was King Ahab? He shouted out, they realized he is not the king they are looking for and left him alone. Even though King Ahab decided to disguise himself, he was pulled down still.



This means we need to make our ways straight before the Lord God Almighty so he doesn’t live us alone. So he doesn’t allow the spirit of error and mistake fall upon us. So we don’t see the wrong thing as the right, it’s a bait to let us fall.

We may have experienced one grievous mistake we made at one point in life which is living with us forever, some people did not succeed a mistake made in life, they were pulled down.

It’s not only physical death that can be the result,

Take, for example, a young man ready for marriage, he had a girlfriend and one day he went out and saw this young lady who is a cleaner, not highly educated worried, so he decided to talk to her showing concern and therefore offered to give her a ride out of clean mind.

However the girlfriend, he intends to marry, a highly educated personality and highly fashioned as well. On citing this young man with the young lady he was trying to help, this caused chaos between this young man and his wife to be, she is a very arrogant woman but to her, it’s her right and truly believes in what we call “equal right today”.

The other innocent lady began to wonder what exactly could be going wrong, they were able to settle the matter and continue their life as they use to.

Hmmn on a certain day, this young man, visited and caught the young lady he is planning marriage within an unholy act with another man, this threw him off balance and decided to change direction.

This man was humbled by this and starting praying about God-ordained wife, he decided to marry the lady, the cleaner he saw in an office he tried to visit some time ago and there she became his wife.

They had a happy home, a virtuous and praying woman she, this man was so proud of his wife and could not finish thanking God for his wife even though no marriage is perfect and all comes with their challenges.



The spirit of error and mistake may be working with the lady in question, she believes she can do what so ever she likes and go away with it. The spirit of error and mistake came into play to separate them from each other.

God has ordained that cleaner lady to be his wife

Circumstances brought them together

Imagine that this young man succeeded in marrying the unfaithful lady, what would their marriage look like.



1* Forgive me my sins Oh God.

2* Let my life please you Oh LORD

3* Lord have mercy upon me, and let me not incur the plaque of your anger

4* Arrows of error and mistake fired against my life, backfire in the name of Jesus

5* I shall not fall, in the name of Jesus

6* Curses of error and mistake issued against me, clear away by the power of the Holy Spirit

8* Spirit of error and mistake, release and fade away, in the name of Jesus’ name.

9* Powers trying to use the spirit of error and mistake to derail or ruin me, be arrested by the power of the holy spirit.


REFERENCE: The Holy Bible – New King James Version. 1King 21-22

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. What a very interesting story at the end. I pray that we always grow closer to God so we can see the error of our ways.

  2. Yes we need to pray for discernment to be able to make wise choices!

  3. Thank u! Needed this right now. Bookmarking it so can keep referring to those prayers 💕

  4. Wow, this is such a great connection between a biblical story and life today! Thank you for sharing your insight.

  5. I agree we need to be in constant prayer so we can keep free from sin!

  6. Audrey

    We do need to think about God in our choices and then we will always make better choices.

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